Better UI 2.3

© 2017 Thera Bytes GmbH - All Rights Reserved 

About the Product

Better UI is an Editor Extension for Unity which is based on Unity's UI System "UGUI".

It solves several problems and restrictions of UGUI. The main focus is on Resolution independence / Responsive design. 

The goal is that you as a user can create UIs fast and for any screen size and orientation.


This Unity Asset can only be used under the standard Unity Asset Store End User License Agreement.
A copy of the EULA APPENDIX 1 is available at

Here is a short overview about the license:

  • If you are a team with fixed coworkers and fixed computers for them all at the same place:
    • You need one license for the team.
  • If you are a person or a team with non fixed coworkers and / or computers:
    • You need one license for every person who works on a unity project which integrates Better UI.
  • You are allowed to use Better UI for commercial and non-commercial products.
  • You are not allowed to hand over the source code of Better UI to anybody who has no license (no redistribution).