Introduced in Better UI 2.5

The Value Dragger is similar to a Slider but without visual representation and a bit different handling.

So, it can change a float value by pressing on the value dragger and then moving the mouse.

As it doesn't have a visual representation by its own, it needs something that can catch raycasts in the same game object or any child (like an Image, Text or Interaction Area).

There are three settings that can have different Configs:

  • Drag Settings
    • Direction: Defines if the value is changed by dragging horizontally or vertically
    • Invert: Normally, the value increases when dragging to the left / upwards and decreases when dragged to the right / downwards. By checking "Invert" it's the opposite direction respectively.
  • Value Settings
    • Min Value: If checked, the value cannot fall below the specified value.
    • Max Value: If checked, the value cannot become greater than the specified value.
    • Whole Numbers: If checked, the value is changed in steps of whole numbers as if it were an integer (but it is still a float actually)
  • Drag Distance per Integer Step
    Defines how far the cursor needs to be dragged to change the value by a total delta of 1. The higher this amount, the slower / finer the value is being changed.

The following properties are the same for all screen configurations:

  • Value: This is the value that the Value Dragger changes. Whatever is entered here will be the starting value.
  • On Value Changed (Single): An event that is called when the Value changes (usually: When the user interacts). It passes the value as parameter. Use this event to visualize the current value somehow.
  • Better Transitions: A list of transitions to give the user visual feedback (See Better Transitions)